Now available.

Bionic Reading®

Buy once, use forever.

Use the Bionic Reading® Fonts as an end user. Or license the Bionic Reading® Fonts for your business.

Bionic Reading® Fonts

Bionic Reading® Fonts for You.

Special price for You: USD 49.00

Special offer for you as an end user for a limited time. For example, for your eReader from Amazon Kindle, Rakuten Kobo*, Tolino* or PocketBook. Or on your desktop computer for any software that allows you to add custom fonts.

*Some of our users have told us that our complex font software isn’t compatible with the “Kobo Libra Colour”, “Kobo Libra 2”, “Tolino Shine” and “Tolino Color” devices.

How to install the Bionic Reading® Fonts on your Kindle eReader.
  1. If the font is still packaged into a compressed file (such as a zip file), uncompress the files using your favorite file extracting program (double-click).
  2. Copy all Bionic Reading® Font files into the “fonts” folder on your Kindle eReader.
  3. Disconnect your Kindle eReader from the computer.
  4. You can now choose your preferred Bionic Reading® font in addition to the Kindle fonts from the Display Settings (Aa) menu.

That’s all. Have fun with our Bionic Reading® Fonts.


Bionic Reading® Fonts for your Business.

Starting price: USD 280.00

License the Bionic Reading® Fonts and use them for your business. We offer licenses for the following sectors: Desktop, App/Game, Web, ePub/Book, Server, Hardware/Firmware, Ads and Unlimited.

Affinity Designer
Final Cut Pro
Adobe Creative Cloud

Bionic Reading® Fonts for your software.

Microsoft Office, Apple Software, Adobe Creative Cloud, Affinity Designer, Final Cut Pro, Canva Desktop App, Sketch, Figma, LibreOffice, Visual Studio Code, Amazon Kindle, Rakuten Kobo, Tolino, PocketBook and many more.

Why does a font not always work?
  • Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee that the Bionic Reading® Font will work in all programs. It is important that both the software and the operating system are up to date. The software must also support the .otf file format.
  • The .otf file format is ideal for professional designs with more stylistic possibilities. It also offers better support for different language systems and fonts with extensive glyph sets.
  • OpenType fonts often contain advanced typographic features that cannot be used in all programs. If a program does not support these functions, the font may not be displayed at all.
  • Activate the extended functions such as ligatures, alternative glyphs and OpenType scripts in the respective software.


with our products.

Very soon we will show you some customers who have integrated our products and reading method.

Bionic Reading® Fonts: for the iOS app Clear Read.
Bionic Reading® for Publisher: for one of the world’s largest publishers.
Bionic Reading® API: for Malaysia’s No. 1 news app Lumi News.

Bionic Reading®

6 Apps. Free or Premium.

Bionic Reading®
Word Add-In

Bionic Reading® for Microsoft Word.
For Windows and Mac.

Bionic Reading® Word Add-In

Bionic Reading®
InDesign Plugin

Bionic Reading® for Adobe InDesign.

Bionic Reading® InDesign Plugin

Bionic Reading®
for Publisher.

For the revolution in publishing.
Whether analog Books or digital eBooks.

Bionic Reading®
for Selfpublisher.

Make your own books even more extraordinary with the “Bionic Reading® Font”.

Bionic Reading®
Volume Licensing.

Bionic Reading® Premium Plus Apps as Volume Licensing. BR Premium Plus, 365.

Bionic Reading®

Get your merchandise from Bionic Reading®. #youareunique

Bionic Reading®
IP Licensing.

Acquire usage rights and benefit from the world-renowned “Bionic Reading®” brand.

Bionic Reading®
API Licensing.

Our Bionic Reading® API can be easily connected to your products.

Bionic Reading®

For your employees.
Because they are worth it.

Tiffani. 31 years old. USA.

“Bionic Reading® is life-changing!”

Marco. 37 years old. UK.

“I am a dyslexic lawyer and I struggle a lot.”

Maria. 35 years old. Greece.

“The way my attention levels have been improved was incredible!”

Anh Duc. 23 years old. Vietnam.

“My reading speed has increased quite rapidly.”

Yesenia. 31 years old. USA.

“She was diagnosed ADHD when she was 8 years old.”

Cameron. 34 years old. USA.

“Highly recommended for anyone who enjoys reading.”

Alexandra. 35 years old. UK.

“Bionic Reading® is an absolute Game Changer.”

Ethan. 20 years old. USA.

“I was stunned by how quickly I could read. Jaw-dropping.”

Bionic Reading® Affiliate Program.

Join Bionic Reading®’s Affiliate Program to earn 30% on referred payments. You can earn up to $30 with just one sale! Try it out.

Are you a business customer and have a question about our Bionic Reading® licenses?

Contact us
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Please do not send any support requests. For support, visit our FAQ page. Thank you very much.

Bionic Reading® in Numbers.


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From our users

Break old patterns.
Discover new things.

We offer a free version and the possibility for upgrades.

Bionic Reading® Web App
Bionic Reading® Apple iOS App
Bionic Reading® Android App
Bionic Reading® Apple macOS App
Bionic Reading® Windows App
Bionic Reading® Google Chrome Extension